Adebayo Omolumo
Software Engineer
Cloud | DevOps | Web(3)
  • Location:
  • Type:
  • Period:
    July - Aug 2023
  • Kubernetes Containers
  • Terraform
  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
  • Automation
  • Bash Scripting
  • Parallel Development
  • Isolated Environments
  • Collaboration
  • Development Speed
  • Code Quality
  • Error Reduction
  • Reliability
  • Feature Development
  • Testing Cycles

Bunnyshell Project

DevOps, Web3

Project details

Problem Statement:

During the Bunnyshell Hackathon, the team which was led by me embarked on a project to streamline our development, testing, and staging environments. I recognized that the traditional approach to setting up and managing these DevOps environments could be time-consuming and error-prone. Our goal was to utilize the power of Bunnyshell's Environment as a service built on the use of Kubernetes containers to create a more efficient and controlled infrastructure deployment process.


We began by addressing the problem of fragmented environments causing delays in development and testing. We identified that creating consistent environments for both frontend and backend development was crucial for smooth collaboration among our team members. This involved provisioning resources, setting up networking, and ensuring compatibility between different components.

To tackle these challenges, I leveraged the Bunnyshell platform to deploy our Terraform infrastructure. This allowed us to define our environments as code, ensuring consistency and repeatability. By utilizing Bunnyshell's automation capabilities, we reduced the manual effort required to set up complex environments, run our bash script tests, which in turn minimized the chances of human errors.

Parallel development of frontend and backend components was another critical aspect of our project. With Bunnyshell's assistance, we set up separate environments for each developer. This approach enabled us to work on different features concurrently without worrying about interfering with each other's work. Moreover, these isolated environments also facilitated easy collaboration. Developers could experiment with their code changes in a controlled environment and invite others to test their changes online.

Outcome of the Project:

  • Efficient Environment Setup:
    Thanks to Bunnyshell's services, we significantly reduced the time needed to set up and tear down environments manually. This efficiency translated to quicker feature development and testing cycles.
  • Error Reduction:
    The automation and infrastructure-as-code approach reduced the chances of misconfigurations or discrepancies between environments, resulting in a more stable and reliable development process.
  • Parallel Development:
    Bunnyshell's isolated environments empowered each developer to work simultaneously on different features. This parallelism accelerated our project timeline and allowed us to deliver new features more quickly.
  • Enhanced Collaboration:
    The ability to invite other team members to test changes in separate environments made collaboration smoother. This not only improved the quality of our code but also facilitated knowledge sharing among team members.

Key Takeaways

In conclusion, the Bunnyshell Hackathon prompted me to recognize our developmental weaknesses and take strategic measures to enhance our processes. The successful execution of this project underscored our dedication to innovation, collaboration, and the continuous refinement of our development practices.


During the Bunnyshell Hackathon, I led a project aimed at streamlining our development, testing, and staging environments. Our traditional approach to managing these DevOps environments was time-consuming and prone to errors. To improve this, we harnessed the power of Bunnyshell's Environment as a Service, built on Kubernetes containers, to create a more efficient and controlled infrastructure deployment process.


Bunnyshell's platform played a pivotal role in our project. We leveraged it to deploy our Terraform infrastructure, allowing us to define environments as code. This automation significantly reduced manual effort and minimized the risk of human errors.
Terraform is an infrastructure-as-code tool that enabled us to define, provision, and manage our infrastructure. It played a crucial role in ensuring consistency and repeatability in our environments.
Kubernetes containers were at the core of Bunnyshell's Environment as a Service. Kubernetes provided the foundation for our efficient and scalable container orchestration, enabling us to manage and deploy applications seamlessly.
Bash Scripting
We used bash scripts to automate various testing processes. These scripts helped streamline our testing workflows and ensure the reliability of our code.
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© 2023 Adebayo Omolumo

Adebayo Omolumo