Adebayo Omolumo
Software Engineer
Cloud | DevOps | Web(3)
  • Location:
  • Type:
  • Period:
    May 2022 - August 2022
  • DevOps Pipeline
  • CircleCI
  • Automation
  • Testing
  • Linting
  • Unit Tests
  • Scan Tests
  • Alert Integration
  • Cloud Infrastructure Provisioning
  • Smoke Testing
  • Error Monitoring
  • Code Quality
  • Security Measures
  • Real-time Alerting
  • Proactive Error Handling

Autodeploy and Automate Delivery

DevOps, Web3

Project details

Project Description:

In a bid to streamline our software development and deployment processes, I leveraged CircleCI to enhance our CI/CD pipeline.
The primary goal was to ensure that our code was error-free, secure, and efficiently deployed to the cloud environment. Here's a breakdown of what I did to achieve this:

Problem Statement:

Our existing CI/CD pipeline lacked efficiency, and we often encountered issues with code quality, security, and alerting. Manual interventions were required to identify and address problems, leading to delays in the deployment process.

My Contributions:

  • Build Phase:
    I began by configuring CircleCI to execute the build phase, which involved compiling and linting the source code. This step ensured that our codebase was free from syntax errors and typos, enhancing code quality.
  • Unit Tests:
    I implemented comprehensive unit tests for both the frontend and backend components. These tests provided early feedback on code correctness and helped identify and rectify issues before deployment.
  • Security Scans:
    To bolster our security measures, I incorporated security scans into the pipeline. These scans analyzed our codebase for unintentional exposure of sensitive information such as social security numbers or salary amounts. Identifying and addressing these issues preemptively helped fortify data security.
  • Alerting Integration:
    I integrated CircleCI with communication tools such as Slack and email. This allowed our team to receive immediate alerts whenever a job failed in the pipeline. Timely notifications enabled swift responses and issue resolution.
  • Infrastructure Setup:
    Leveraging cloud technologies, I utilized CloudFormation and Ansible to automate the provisioning of cloud infrastructure components, including CloudFront distributions and storage buckets. This automation ensured consistent and error-free infrastructure setup.
  • Smoke Tests:
    I implemented smoke tests as an essential part of our pipeline. These tests provided a quick validation of critical functionality, ensuring that deployed applications were operational and responsive.
  • Rollback and Cleanup:
    I established rollback and cleanup phases in the pipeline. In the event of deployment failures or issues, the pipeline could automatically roll back to the previous version. This proactive approach minimized downtime and potential customer impact.
  • Error Diagnosis with Prometheus:
    I integrated Prometheus into our pipeline to monitor critical server metrics. In case of server errors, Prometheus alerted our team for diagnosis and resolution. This proactive monitoring reduced system downtime.

Outcome of the Project:

  • Efficient CI/CD Pipeline:
    The project resulted in a highly efficient CI/CD pipeline that automated code quality checks, security scans, and infrastructure provisioning, reducing manual intervention and accelerating deployment.
  • Enhanced Code Quality:
    By implementing linting, unit tests, and security scans, we significantly improved code quality and reduced the likelihood of vulnerabilities in our applications.
  • Immediate Issue Resolution:
    The integration of alerting tools ensured that our team was promptly notified of job failures, allowing for immediate issue identification and resolution.
  • Consistent Infrastructure:
    Automation using CloudFormation and Ansible led to consistent and error-free cloud infrastructure provisioning, reducing deployment-related errors.
  • Reduced Downtime:
    The inclusion of rollback and cleanup phases minimized system downtime in case of deployment failures, enhancing the reliability of our applications.
  • Proactive Monitoring:
    The incorporation of Prometheus enabled proactive monitoring of server errors, facilitating faster diagnosis and issue resolution.

Key Takeaways

This project demonstrated my ability to leverage CI/CD tools like CircleCI to enhance software development and deployment processes. By automating critical checks, integrating alerting mechanisms, and ensuring infrastructure consistency, I contributed to the efficiency, security, and reliability of our applications.


The project aimed to streamline software development and deployment processes using CircleCI for improved CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) pipelines. It addressed issues related to code quality, security, and efficiency in the deployment process. The contributions included automating build processes, implementing unit tests and security scans, integrating alerting tools, and ensuring consistent infrastructure setup. This resulted in an efficient CI/CD pipeline, enhanced code quality, immediate issue resolution, consistent infrastructure, reduced downtime, and proactive monitoring of server errors.


Ansible was used for automation in setting up and configuring cloud infrastructure components. Ansible helped streamline infrastructure provisioning and ensure the infrastructure's consistency.
Prometheus was integrated into the pipeline to monitor critical server metrics. It enabled proactive monitoring of server errors, allowing for faster diagnosis and issue resolution, thereby reducing system downtime.
Integration with Slack and email allowed for immediate alerts and notifications when a job failed in the pipeline. Timely notifications enabled swift responses and issue resolution, enhancing overall pipeline efficiency.
CircleCI served as the central CI/CD platform for automating various stages of the deployment pipeline, including building, testing, and deployment. CircleCI's automation capabilities played a pivotal role in enhancing the project's efficiency and reliability.
AWS CloudFormation was utilized for automating the provisioning of cloud infrastructure components.
This automation ensured consistent and error-free infrastructure setup, reducing deployment-related errors.
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© 2023 Adebayo Omolumo

Adebayo Omolumo